Free access to highly cited Springer journals through November
Explore Computer Science journals your colleagues read and cite:

Journal | Free access range |
AIP Conference Proceedings | 1999 - current |
APL: Organic Electronics and Photonics | 2008 - current |
Applied Physics Letters | 1999 - current |
Applied Physics Reviews | 1999 - current |
Biomicrofluidics | 2007 - current |
Chaos | 1999 - current |
JCP: Biochemical Physics | 2006 - current |
Journal of Applied Physics | 1999 - current |
The Journal of Chemical Physics | 1999 - current |
Journal of Mathematical Physics | 1999 - current |
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data | 1999 - current |
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy | 2009 - current |
Low Temperature Physics | 1999 - current |
Physics of Fluids | 1999 - current |
Physics of Plasmas | 1999 - current |
Review of Scientific Instruments | 1999 - present |
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters | 2011 - current |
Journal of Laser Applications | 1999 - current |
AIP Advances (open access) | 2011 - current |